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Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Frisco, TX

Keeping Your Smile Healthy

Young man with healthy smile

Are you struggling with chronic jaw pain? If so, the solution may be to have your wisdom teeth removed! When they emerge, they can create all sorts of issues, including an increased risk of tooth decay and persistent dental discomfort. The good news is that Dr. Deval Parmar can carefully remove them, restoring your pain-free smile in the process. If you want to schedule an appointment with us to learn more, contact our Frisco dental team. Otherwise, keep reading!

Why Choose Archway Dental for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

  • Years of Experience and Training
  • Nitrous Oxide or IV Sedation Available
  • Children and Adults Welcome

What are Wisdom Teeth?

You may be familiar with the name, but what exactly are wisdom teeth? In short, they are the third set of molars. Since they typically make an appearance during the late teenage and early adult years, they earned the nickname “wisdom teeth.”

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Although our ancestors needed the third set of molars, many people nowadays don’t. In fact, these teeth can cause many problems, including pushing the other teeth out of alignment, erupting at an angle, or causing an infection. In these cases, Dr. Parmar will likely recommend wisdom tooth extractions in Frisco, TX. We’ll take the time to explain the situation and honestly review the treatment options so that you feel confident moving forward.

What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Procedure

You might be surprised to hear that the wisdom teeth procedure is relatively straightforward and completely painless. After thoroughly numbing your mouth and checking that you’re ready to begin, our Frisco dentist will gently rock each tooth loose before wiggling them free from the sockets. Of course, if your wisdom teeth are trapped beneath your gumline, then she will need to create a small incision in your gums first. As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, you won’t feel anything since your mouth will be completely numb. If you’re at all concerned, we can also discuss adding sedation dentistry to your treatment plan.

Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

After wisdom teeth are extracted, it is important to properly care for the site. Keep the gauze in place until the bleeding stops, which should be within a couple of hours. Switch out the gauze as it becomes soaked and apply a cold compress to your face to manage the swelling. Make sure that you allow a blood clot to form on the surgical site. This protects the vulnerable tissue underneath from bacteria.

For a few days, you should eat softer foods and slowly build back up to your normal diet. Avoid using a straw because the clot can easily become dislodged with the sucking motion, likely leading to an infection called dry socket. If you follow these instructions, you should heal well and recover as quickly as possible.